Category : Databases

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are cryptographic protocols used to establish secure connections between a client and a server. When it comes to database management systems like MySQL, configuring SSL/TLS can help protect sensitive data during transmission. In this article, we will guide you through the process of configuring SSL/TLS for ..

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Introduction Although many users require a database management system like MySQL’s functionality, they might not feel at ease interacting with the system only through the MySQL command line client. To enable user interaction with MySQL via a web interface, PhpMyAdmin was developed. We’ll go over installing and securing PhpMyAdmin in this guide, so you can ..

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Many websites and applications begin with the web server and database backend running on the same machine. A setup like this, on the other hand, can become complicated and challenging to scale over time. The solution is to separate these functions and establishing a remote database. Permitting the server and database to grow independently on ..

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