Category : Linux system administration

In any production server environment, managing log files is a crucial aspect of system administration. Log files contain valuable information about system events, application behavior, and potential issues, making them indispensable for troubleshooting and monitoring purposes. However, if left unchecked, log files can grow rapidly, consuming significant disk space and potentially leading to performance degradation ..

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The dd command is a powerful and versatile tool in Linux that can be used for a variety of tasks, including backing up data, cloning disks, and testing disk performance. In this article, we’ll focus on how to use dd to test the read and write performance of your disk. Before we dive into the specifics, let’s briefly understand ..

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CodeIgniter is an open source, lightweight PHP framework that provides a simple and elegant toolkit for developing web applications. Installing CodeIgniter on your system is quick and easy. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the CodeIgniter installation process step-by-step. We will cover downloading and unzipping CodeIgniter, configuring a web server, setting up a database, ..

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Docusaurus is a modern static website generator optimized for creating documentation websites. It provides a great out-of-the-box documentation experience with features like search, versioning, i18n, and more. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will go through step-by-step how to install Docusaurus on your system. Prerequisites Before installing Docusaurus, you need to have the following prerequisite software installed: ..

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A mail server allows you to send and receive email. Setting up your own mail server on Ubuntu gives you more control over your email and increases privacy and security. However, managing your own mail server requires a bit more technical knowledge. This comprehensive guide will walk you through all the steps to create a ..

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Upgrading major versions of MySQL can be a complex process due to potential compatibility issues and configuration changes between versions. In this tutorial, we will walk through the full process of upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 on CentOS/RHEL 7/8 servers. The key steps we will cover are: Following this process will help ensure a ..

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